Saturday, November 15, 2008

Conspiracy Theories

The best part about a Dexter season, and I think for most Dexter fans is that the season outline can be a bit predictable. Not that the story lines are particularly easy to figure out. Hence the title of the post. But that we can pretty much guarantee to see what the theme of the season is, the first episode reveals a lot without telling us much, and by the sixth or seventh episode of the season, we are pretty much glued to our television sets every Sunday night, but also can breathe knowing we are going to see the end of the season. I think another thing I love is that each season ties up each loose end. So that we will certainly know what Deb's new partner is up to, why IA is investigating him, who Anton really is (hint: I'm pretty sure he's either IA himself or some kind of detective type), who the "Skinner" is, and what Miguel Prado's deal is.

Since Jimmy Smits is only signed for 10 episodes, theories abound that he's either going to be killed (hopefully not by Dexter himself since he does live by the "code") or move away or something. The thing is though, it appears as though he's going to get his hands "dirty" next week somehow. I'm wondering if eventually he will fall into some kind of code living and Dexter can get away with it. I'm also wondering just how "clean" this dude is. Ellen Wolf, his nemesis, has alluded that he's done some super-shady things as Assistant District Attorney. Well, pot meet kettle, but that's besides the point. The point being is that there are plenty of theories on the Dexter board at Showtime.Com and others that Miguel may have been participating in a game like this all along. Like, his little brother Oscar over Free-bow's house the night Dexter went hunting for him. I wonder just how personal that visit was or whether Miguel might have sent him there for a shake down.

Theories have been abounding essentially that Miguel has been participating in some "house cleaning" of his own and not just by prosecuting criminals in court. There's also thinking he may not have been getting his hands dirty. It will be interesting how he is written off the show. On FrozenBarbie, there was a story that Smits accidentally used a real knife in a scene, not a stunt knife (no one was hurt). Things that make you go hmmmmm.

In other news, someone pointed on the Dexter board that perhaps Vince Masuka is going to be written off the show. I really hope not (you can pretty much guarantee a smart-ass comment from him in each show), but why would they make such a big deal about Masuka looking like the killer last week? It was interesting because last week's episode was probably the first one I rewatched this season. It's funny how you might miss some things here and there, and catch them the second time around. I'm going to have rewatch a few of them I think.

What else? We all know Deb is going to bed with Anton. We also know that her partner is a dirty cop who got another cop killed. We will certainly get more insight on that.

It just sucks we have to wait another five weeks to find out! What's great is that we won't have cliffhangers!

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