Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Think I Figured It Out...

OK so I have to admit I was very surprised that Dexter offed Miguel. While he did technically fit the code, when Maria started piecing things together with Miguel's whereabouts the night Ellen got killed, how she knew of their rivalry and Ellen's unbiased opinion of him, and started taking samples of hair from his truck...I thought FOR SURE that Maria would kill him in some kind of shoot-out or lock down or something.

Of course, I was wrong.

But I don't think I'm wrong about this theory -- next week's trailer saw that Ramon is calling Dexter out on being a threat to Miguel. We also know that somehow the Skinner was in cahoots with Miguel.

We know there is no cell reception in the place the Skinner killed his victims.

We know he was using the cell phone to make phone calls to whoever.

I think that "whoever" is Ramon and therefore, the one last threat to Dexter will be eliminated in the episode 12.

Think about it - the Skinner and Ramon both wanted to know where Free-bow was. Ramon we knew tortured his "victims" but the Skinner of course skins his. But who's to say this -- maybe the people Ramon tortured ended up in the hands of the Skinner. We know that somehow, the Skinner is involved with Miguel...why not the WHOLE Prado family.

Somehow, we all know that both of those guys will go down and our man will be back for Season Four.

Another interesting tidbit is the lead-in we will have for next season. We know that Dexter let his guard down around Deb and told her what he knew about Harry -- that he had an affair with a CI. The only problem is, even though all documents regarding Dexter's adoption and life pre-Morgan family are destroyed, I doubt the CI records of Harry Morgan were.

How much you want to bet that when she sees the name Laura Moser and starts snooping around, she'll realize soon enough that Dexter was a little boy in that shipping container bloodbath.

I mean, Dexter was able to find the newspaper record of the incident first season. How much you want to bet that Deb figures this out by letting the little voice in her head nagging at her?

1 comment:

savemoney said...

I just knew "The Skinner" had Dex in the trunk of his car! All last week I had anticipated Dex freeing himself
and cutting "The Skinner" into little pieces! I'll be glad when he is dismembered! I'd love to see Dex take a little time with him!

You might be right about "The Skinner" being involved with Ramon. That whole family was screwed up. You know Dex still has Ellen's ring unless ramon found it. I wonder if Dex might some how use that as leverage. He said it had a nice print of Miguels on it.
Ramon might not want his dear brother known as a murderer. Or Dex might set him up like he did Dokes. Light the fuse and watch Ramon explode. Let the cops gun him down! The finale is going to blow us away though I'm sure!

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